Beyond music arrangement and quality enhancement,
over 100 newly composed original soundtracks will change your adventure completely.

Beyond simply remodeling and improving the arrangement and quality of the OST,
we’ve composed numerous new soundtracks from scratch, as well as improving the battle theme.
We have remastered over 100 pieces in three continents: Balenos, Serendia, and Calpheon.
To effectively record a large-scale orchestra, we've performed orchestral performances and recordings in three European countries,
the home of orchestral music.
Each soundtrack are at least 3 minutes in length, which extends over 300 minutes in total.
Recording of Solo Instruments and Ensemble Performances
We have also recorded solo instrumental soundtracks and small ensemble
performances in Korea and abroad. -
Enjoy harmonies composed of twelve & four String Ensemble, Ethnic Wind,
Flugelhorn, Flute, Clarinet, Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar and Hand Percussion.
Variety of Music
Composed and re-arranged with various instruments and styles such as Classical,
Epic Cinematic, Battle Symphony, Landscape, Progressive Rock,
Irish Street Busking, Experimental, and Folk. -
In the future, there will be a vocalist in Black Desert and a large amount of
vocal music will be added.
Background Sound Effects
One of the most important factor that makes Black Desert more intriguing is the
Background Sound Effects. We have improved the sound quality and added
a variety of environmental sounds.
Boss Sound Effects
- We have also enhanced the sound and voice of Boss Monsters to create more intimidating experience for adventurers.
Orchestra Name :
- The Filmharmonic Orchestra Prague
Recording Studios :
- CZTV Studio (Czech Television Studio)
Recorded Soundtracks :
- Stage and Battle theme soundtracks
from Balenos ~ Serendia (12 soundtracks)
Orchestra Name :
- Staatskapelle HALLE
(Symphony orchestra based in Halle, Germany)
Recording Studios :
- Staatskapelle Halle Rehearsal Hall
Recorded Soundtracks :
- 3 Overture soundtracks from Balenos~Calpheon
- Glish Village, and Calpheon City
(5 orchestra song by 80 members
- Battle Theme choir soundtracks from Balenos~Serendia
and new choir soundtracks of Calpheon City.
Orchestra Name :
- BSSO (Budapest Scoring Symphony Orchestra)
Recording Studios :
- Hungarian Radio Station
Recorded Soundtracks :
- Battle Theme soundtracks from
Calpheon ~ Kamasylvia,
- 3 Overture soundtracks from
Mediah ~ Kamasylvia,
and Northern Wheat Plantation of Calpheon
(13 soundtracks)
Ryu Hwiman (CROOVE)
Composed more than
130 Black Desert Soundtracks
Kim Jiyoon (meinhz)
Composed more than
50 Black Desert Soundtracks
Joo Inro
- Composed 3 Soundtracks
- Re-arranged 10 Orchestra Sountracks
of Ryu Hwi Man's composition
Armin Haas (Dynamedion)
- Composed 3 Percussion Soundtracks
- Re-arranged 10 hybrid orchestra
sountracks of Ryu Hwi Man's composition
Roh Hyungwoo
Composed 14 Soundtracks
Oh Dongjun
Co-arranged over 10 Soundtracks
Jang Sungwoon (Questro Sound)
Composed & re-arranged 1 Soundtrack